Cargo.toml に
ndarray = "0.12.1"
依存ライブラリを書いて cargo build したところ,registry のアップデートができずライブラリを引っ張って来れない状況になりました.
$ cargo build
Updating crates.io index
warning: spurious network error (2 tries remaining): failed to resolve address for github: Name or service not known; class=Net (12)
warning: spurious network error (1 tries remaining): failed to resolve address for github: Name or service not known; class=Net (12)
error: failed to load source for a dependency on `ndarray`
Caused by:
Unable to update registry `https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index`
Caused by:
failed to fetch `https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index`
Caused by:
failed to resolve address for github: Name or service not known; class=Net (12)
Issue では.gitconfig が悪さをしているとのことだったので確認してみると
[url "github:"]
InsteadOf = https://github.com/
InsteadOf = [email protected]:
email = xxxxxxxxxx
name = xxxxxxxxxx
確かに[url "github:"]があり,これが原因らしいので
email = xxxxxxxxxx
name = xxxxxxxxxx